August 10, 2024
Dear Fifth Grade Student,
The summer is coming to a close and your Fifth Grade year is about to start! Fifth Grade will be a year when you will learn many things about the environment, the formation of our country, and many other topics such as fractions and the seven Sacraments. Fifth grade is so exciting as you get new academic challenges, while deepening your friendships. We will work hard and have lots of fun.
My advice for you as a new Fifth Grade student is to come to class every day with a positive attitude, and a Christian outlook on life. In the Fifth Grade, we will work together to mature and create an environment that is both full of fun and full of respect. We will grow as a community and you will get the chance to show me how great the Holy Rosary community is! I am looking forward to getting to know you all and exploring all the great things Fifth Grade at HRS has to offer!
We are extremely excited for this year! Enjoy your last free days of summer vacation and get ready for a wonderful adventure in the Fifth Grade.
5B Ms. McGuigan