9/29 Newsletter

Sept. 29, 2023

Dear Fifth Grade Parents and Students,

Students may log onto the Matrix at home to see what they missed when they are absent. Students sign into their Google account. They have the user-name and password on the password sheet stored in their filers. There is a link to the Matrix in the 5B Google Homeroom Classroom.


Mr. Schreck

Chapter 2, Multiply Whole Numbers

Monday: Lesson 3, Powers & Exponents

Tuesday: Lesson 4, Multiplication Patterns

Wednesday: Review Lessons 1, 3 & 4

Thursday: Quiz, Lessons 1, 3 & 4

Friday: Lesson 7, The Distributive Property


Ms. Semandiris

Monday (10/2) – Problem Solving – 4 Step Plan

Tuesday (10/3) – Chapter Review

Wednesday (10/4) – Pre- test

Thursday (10/5) – Chapter 1 test

Friday (10/6)  – Aleks

Ms. Heuer

Monday: *2.5 Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers

Tuesday: *2.6. Multiply Decimals

Wednesday: *2.7 Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10

Thursday: *Divide Decimals by Whole #s

Friday: *TBD

Science: EIE: Environmental Engineering

Students tested the pH of soil and water from the fictional town of Greentown. They will be investigating possible sources of pollution. Students will discuss how changes in soil and water pH can affect the health of an ecosystem. Next, students will create a model to represent the connections between different components of a river ecosystem. They will use that model to experiment with different materials and methods used to clean oil spills.

Social Studies: Next Friday (10/6) we will have the Chapter 1, Geography of the United States test. I have pushed out the study guide on Google Classroom. I will have a test review on Monday (10/2).

Students should plan to review each night next week to study for the test.


English Language Arts:  Hello HRS families! Next week, we will finish writing theme statements for The Giving Tree during class. We will then continue working on citing and explaining textual evidence using the short story “The Fun they Had.” Students will continue reading Number the Stars (assigned chapters will be on the matrix). Throughout the week, we will discuss the chapters and begin to make thematic connections in the novel. Students will need to continue to add challenge words to their list for chapters read. We will also start unit 2 in our vocab book, so students will have a new set of words to begin thinking about. Homework will consist of vocab work and reading from Number the Stars. Have a great weekend.

Religion:  Students begin Ch. 2, Made to Be with God. Students will explore the sense of longing we all feel as part of the desire God put in our hearts to be truly happy with him. They will also examine the search for happiness through the Gospel account of the Woman at the well (John 4:7-29)

Second Step: Students will be able to demonstrate listening-with-attention skills. They will learn that listening with attention helps you learn, work with others, and make friends.

Have a great weekend!